2. Now choose a drive that you want to perform a file recovery. For this example, I will choose my second drive which is 30GB.

3. Once you click on the drive you want to perform a file recovery let the software analyze the drive. The speed is fast or slow will depend on how big the hard drive is.

4. Once is it done analyzing click on the level and choose the type of recovery level you would like the program to run on. For this example, I will use level 1 since it is recommended by the program.

5. After you have chosen your recovery level, you will be taken back to the screen with the drive you chose earlier. This time click the drive and let the program runs.

6. Once it is done scanning the drive it will display a screen like below. Click on the Deleted checkbox and the program will show you what was deleted on the drive. Note that all the files and folders that have a line across them are files or folders that you have deleted in the past.

7. Now look the file or folder you would like to recover on the right. Right click on it and select copy.

8. On this screen, you can either choose to recover the file to the default folder or you can choose to change the directory where the file will be copied to. If you want to change the directory just click on the yellow folder otherwise just click OK to default to Documents
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