Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Computer Forensics with Kali Linux

Lesson 1: Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime with Kali Linux Fundamental

1. Introduction

2. Learning Objective

3. Why Forensics

4. Cyber Crime

5. Digital Forensics

6. Summary

Lesson 2: Digital Forensics Investigations

1. Learning Objective

2. Overview of Digital Forensics

3. Outsourcing vs. Providing in-house Forensics Services

4. Search and Seizure Overview

5. Basic Forensics Lab

6. Forensics Tool Overview

7. Collecting Evidence

8. Steganography and Images

9. Preserving and Reviewing Digital Evidence

10. Packaging Evidence

11. Forensics Report

12. Summary

Lesson 3: Getting Started with a Forensics Linux Workstation

1. Learning Objective

2. Downloading Kali Linux

3. Installing Kali

4. Running Kali Linux Virtual Machine

5. Updating and Installing Forensics Package

6. Kali Linux as a Forensics Workstation

7. Summary

Lesson 4: Data Duplication and Data Protection

1. Learning Objective

2. Pre Duplication

3. Forensics Images

4. Image Types


6. Kali Disk Duplication

7. Windows Disk Duplication

8. Summary

Lesson 5: Collecting and Preserving Evidence

1. Learning Objective

2. Introduction to Collecting and Preserving Evidence

3. Hashing Validation

4. Preserving Data

5. Linux Tools

6. Summary

Lesson 6: Cracking Password

1. Learning Objective

2. Password Cracking Concepts

3. Password Cracking Tools

4. Windows Passwords

5. Linux and OSX Passwords

6. Summary

Lesson 7: Windows Forensics

1. Learning Objective

2. File System Overview

3. Windows Shortcut Files

4. Windows Recycle Bin

5. Windows Print Spool Files

6. Registry Part 1

7. Registry Part 2

8. Registry Organization

9. Registry Part 3

10. Registry Forensics

11. Registry Investigation

12. FTK Registry Viewer

13. Summary

Lesson 8: Network Forensics

1. Learning Objective

2. Network

3. Security Tools

4. Firewalls

5. Content Filtering

6. Breach and Honeypots

7. Network Access Control

8. Netflow

9. Data Loss Prevention

10. Network Attacks

11. Detecting Network Threats

12. Snort Part 1

13. Snort Part 2

14. Summary

Lesson 9: Email Forensics

1. Learning Objective

2. Email System and Clients

3. Investigating Email

4. Email Forensics Tools

5. Summary

Lesson 10: Reverse Malware Engineering

1. Learning Objective

2. Introduction to Malware Analysis

3. Static Analysis

4. Static Analysis Tools

5. Static Analysis PDF

6. Dynamic Analysis

7. Summary

Lesson 11: Forensics Case Studies

1. Investigating a Laptop for HR

2. Investigating a Network Breach

3. Investigating a Hard Drive from eBay

4. Complete Legal Example

5. Summary

6. Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime with Kali Linux Fundamental


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