Friday, April 12, 2019

How to generate a word list with Goblin Word Generator

Goblin Word Generator is a python tool that allows you to easily generate a word list that you can use to perform a dictionary attack. Goblin Word Generator works similar to Crunch but it is much easier to generate a wordlist compared to Crunch where you have to type in a lot more commands to get the word list you want.

Follow the instruction below to learn how to install Goblin Word Generator and use it to generate your own wordlist. 

1. Turn on your Kali machine, open a terminal and type in the following command.

git clone

2. cd GoblinWordGenerator

3. If everything is done successfully, you will be able to see a screen like I have below. Just follow the on-screen instruction to generate your wordlist. 

4. Now just let it runs until it is finished and you should be able to find your wordlist in the directory: /home/GoblinWordGenerator/wordlist.txt



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