Follow the instruction below to learn how to install and run I See You.
1. Turn on your Kali machine, open a terminal and follow the command lines below.
git clone https://github.com/Viralmaniar/I-See-You.git

2. cd I-See-You

3. chmod u+x ISeeYou.sh

4. bash ISeeYou.sh

5. Type in the URL that was generated by the Serveo (See example below)

6. This URL is generated randomly for different users. However, it will be a sub-domain for the serveo.net domain. Send this URL to your victim as part of the phishing campaign via email or any other medium. Victim will see the site as below:

Note: You can be creative and modify the look and feel of the page as per your requirement.
Once the targeted users allows location permission, you will receive the exact location of the victim in the tail screen. These numbers are longitude and latitude of the user.

Now you can use https://maps.google.com to convert the longitude and latitude to find the exact location:

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