1. Login to your Blackboard here

2. After you have logged on, click on the Blackboard icon

3. Click Courses

4. Look for your course either by searching for it or scroll down on the screen.

5. Once you clicked on your course, look to your left and you will see a list of options related to that course. This is where you can look for the class syllabus, weekly material, quizzes, power point, and assignments (if any) and other course related material. Learning to navigate blackboard successfully is important for all classes at almost any university.

6. If you have a class that is RTV (online course), there is a link called Collaborate Ultra (usually under the Student Toolbox category or Blackboard Tools). This is the place you will go to for all of your RTV classes. Under the Collaborate Ultra link you can usually find live session and, recording that was made by the instructor. If you missed a live session, you can go back into Collaborate Ultra and under Recordings you will see all of the video that was previously recorded by your instructor.

7. In Blackboard you can also find a tool under the E-Mail link on the navigation menu that will allow you to email your instructor straight from your course. It is better to use this tool to email your instructor because they might have several of the same classes they are teaching so they will not know which class section number you are in to locate you and help answer your question. Using the E-Mail in Blackboard tool will save you and the instructor's time. See below for detail about how to use the E-Mail tool to send an email to anyone in the class including the instructor.

NOTE: The first way to succeed in any classes, is to know the ins and out of Blackboard and, the second is to look at the Syllabus every single week to find out which assignment, quiz and project are due for that week, this way you do not have to email the instructor and wait for him or her to respond back to your email with an answer, this can waste both your and the instructor's time, instead read the syllabus because most instructors already put almost everything you need to know to be successful in the course under the syllabus.
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