Monday, January 18, 2021

Atom is a free text editor that allows you to share your workspace in real time and collaborate with you team members. Atom text editor has other features include;

Cross-platform editing - You can install this editor on Mac, Windows or Linux.

Smart autocompletion - Atom can help you write code faster with smart and flexible autocomplete.

Multiple planes - You can split your atom interface into multiple panes to compare and edit code across multiple files.

Packages - You can choose form thousands of open source packages that add new features and functionality to Atom, or build a package from scratch and publish it for everyone else to use.

Customization - You can customize Atom and tweak it to your linking like adding major features such as HTML or JavaScript.

Open Source - Atom is an open source project so the code are available to everyone on GitHub.

Download Atom Here 


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