Course Detail:
Part 1 Introduction
The Field of Data Science - The Various Data Science Discipline
The Field of Data Science - Connecting the Data Science Disciplines
The Field of Data Science - The Benefits of Each Disciplines
The Field of Data Science - Popular Data Science Techniques
The Field of Data Science - Popular Data Science Tools
The Field of Data Science - Careers in Data Science
The Field of Data Science - Debunking Common Misconceptions
Part 2 Probability
Probability - Combinatorics
Probability - Bayesian Inference
Probability - Distributions
Probability - Probability in Other Fields
Part 3 Statistics
Statistics - Descriptive Statistics
Statistics - Practical Example Descriptive Statistics
Statistics - Inferential Statistics Fundamentals
Statistics - Inferential Statistics Confidence Intervals
Statistics - Practical Example Inferential Statistics
Statistics - Hypothesis Testing
Statistics - Practical Example Hypothesis Testing
Part 4 Introduction to Python
Python - Variables and Data Types
Python - Basic Python Syntax
Python - Other Python Operators
Python - Conditional Statements
Python - Python Functions
Python - Sequences
Python - Iterations
Python - Advanced Python Tools
Part 5 Advanced Statistical Methods in Python
Advanced Statistical Methods - Linear regression with StasModels
Advanced Statistical Methods - Multiple Linear Regression with StatsModels
Advanced Statistical Methods - Linear Regression with sklearn
Advanced Statistical Methods - Practical Example Linear Regression
Advanced Statistical Methods - Logistic Regression
Advanced Statistical Methods - Cluster Analysis
Advanced Statistical Methods - K-Means Clustering
Advanced Statistical Methods - Other Types of Clustering
Part 6 Mathematics
Part 7 Deep Learning
Deep Learning - Introduction to Neural Networks
Deep Learning - How to Build a Neural Network from Scratch with NumPy
Deep Learning - TensorFlow 2.0 Introduction
Deep Learning - Digging Deeper into NNs Introducing Deep Neural Networks
Deep Learning - Overfitting
Deep Learning - Initialization
Deep Learning - Digging into Gradient Descent and Learning Rate Schedules
Deep Learning - Preprocessing
Deep Learning - Business Case Example
Deep Learning - Conclusion
Appendix Deep Learning - TensorFlow 1 Introduction
Appendix Deep Learning - TensorFlow 1 Classifying on the MNIST Dataset
Appendix Deep Learning - TensorFlow 1 Business Case
Software Integration
Case Study - What's Next in the Course
Case Study - Preprocessing the 'Absenteeism Data'
Case Study - Applying Machine Learning to Create the 'absenteeism module'
Case Study - Loading the 'absenteeism module'
Case Study - Analyzing the Predicted Outputs in Tableau
Bonus lecture
View The Data Science Course Here
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