Tuesday, April 30, 2019


BotKntD is a tool kit that allows you to hack Facebook, Gmail, and Yahoo email. See instruction below to learn how to install BotKntD.

Note that I am showing you how to install this in Termux, but it will work with Kali as well.

1. Open Termux and type in the following command:

pkg install python2

2. pkg install git

3. pkg update

4. pkg upgrade

5. Once you got everything above installed, you can download the tool using the following command: git clone https://github.com/Al2VyN/BotKntD.git

6. Now change your current directory to BotKntD using the command cd BotKntD following the command pip2 install --upgrade pip. See Screenshot below

7. Now type in pip2 install -r kntd.txt to install all of the requirements.

8. Type in python2 BotKntD.py and press Enter to run the tool

9. If everything goes well, you will see a screen like below. Just log into your Facebook account to get started. Also if you have two-factors authentication turned on, you will need to disable it to proceed.

10. For this step, just type in the password botkntd and press Enter to proceed.

11. You are pretty much done at this point. From here you can just pick what type of attack you want and go from there. See below for sample of attacks.

starting at 3.95 a month


  1. How to download plz 🥺 tell

  2. Replies
    1. https://www.facebook.com/ahtsham.bhatti.7923

  3. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=233758615317822&id=100060510558358&post_id=100060510558358_233758615317822&from_close_friend=1&notif_id=1629419439334904&notif_t=close_friend_activity&ref=notif

  4. https://www.facebook.com/yousaf.saleem.7161
    Hack please
